Wanted: Ohlins Rear Shock.greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Hi All:I am looking for an Ohlins rear shock for my SPR. I have been unable to locate one, so if anyone has one for sale or knows of someone who has one for sale, I would great appreciate it if you would be willing to share.
I can also be reached via email at ibetodd@yahoo.com
Thanks so much.
Todd Martin.
-- Todd Martin (ibetodd@yahoo.com), October 29, 2004
None are available in the USA. Stephano was checking sources in Europe and ASIA. Ohlins has discontinued the current part number.
-- martin (martin@motowheels.com), October 30, 2004.
Todd,You'll be very lucky to track one of these down. Ohlins only made a few and I havn't seen any available for about 18 months.
Presumably if enough people pester them they may make some more. As my shock is now 3yrs old I wonder how long before it gives up and I'm looking to replace. There's no way I want to pay Ohlins prices for an OE part.
-- Mark M (m.magenis@btinternet.com), November 01, 2004.
we offer öhlins for F4 and Brutale but the prices are like the öhlins quality standart, quiet high... rgds diegowww.f4oro.com
-- diego (mvagustaf4s@aol.com), November 11, 2004.