ATTN: Status of : LUSENET : Anarchy 2 : One Thread |
Alright, just so I wouldn't seem too ignorant, I did a little hunting. A little tracing, a little tracking, and I'm going to give everyone here an early christmas present.
But before I do, I'm going to tell you why Im doing this.
1. Nobody comes to MY (Yes, ownership claimed until main man Tator takes the reigns again) board and fucks with MY people and claims they can destroy everything built here. I've defeated script kiddies, spammers, assholes and morons, and these KOBE losers just seem to be one more set of them.
2. Due to international law, hell, I could post a million and one things about how to make bombs on here, reveal my full name and where I live, and you could all just eat my dick. Unlike 99 percent of the guests, Im a goddamn fucking Canuck, a Canadian, get that? Hm? No charges may be laid? And in case you havent been watching the news, Canada tends to say 'Fuck you guys, we ain't handin anyone over' when it comes to the US Gvt bitching and whining about 'Terrorist this, terrorist that'.
3. Not that I would ever commit 2, because I think bombs are wrong, Im just saying I could theoretically do it. :) Its why Im going to get away scott free with the obvious invasion of Privacy (IP Routing, Information Posting) that has been committed.
4. This isn't for Anti Bush, or any other Liberals, or Facists or otherwise. This is a matter of someone acting like a big dog when they've got blunt teeth to work with, and someone needing to give that damn dog a kick.
Kobe Wesson is posting from a University ISP. The specific ISP and infromation gathered is as follows.
Name of ISP/Server: California State University Network (
IP Address Specifically Used at this Board:
Location of Kobe Wesson/ISP: Los Almitos, California
Location of ISP in City: 4665 Lampson Ave.
Postal Code of ISP: 90720
Name of Master Technician for ISP: Jones, Gary
Phone Number of Master Technician/ISP: 1-562-346-2255
Email of Master Technician:
Essentially, I just gave the entire internet the means to get in contact with the person in charge of this guys internet connection, his location, and exactly where to find the building in charge. Funny, huh?
Anyways, peace out, and in case anyone was worried, not like anyone should be, that this board will close, it wont. It remains to be a nice safe freedom of speech place.
And if you want a chuckle, certainly visit and go into the forums... they claim to have personally 'shut down' Anarchy 1.
That must have been much after every decent poster that posted there, including myself, didn't care anymore and let it rot and die so we could concentrate on this board. :)
-- K-Crud (EAT YOUR VITAMINS!) (, October 23, 2004
And, ya gotta love the ability to live north of the border and get away with damn well everything due to shitty international internet laws... say, if something went horribly wrong with this guys computer and it was traced to any Canadian, good luck doing a thing about it. :)
-- Kayce (, October 23, 2004.
Well so much for ignoring them LOL. So are you and anti-bush one in the same I thought he owned the forums?
-- Lt. Breeden (Annunaki, October 23, 2004.
I assume you mean Hate and Flame? I hope XXX is not insulted! First, let me tell you that the reason there is an "Anarchy2" forum, is because the original "Anarchy" forum was PERSONALLY destroyed by me, as was the "Government" board at the same site. Im not worried about that place. KOBE is not worried about our "rep". We know we have one, and we dont have to do very much to enhance it.Haha, dumshit... 'cause, you know, he totally blew up Anarchy 1. Wait... I thought that was Tator? Oh well, when you're a KOBE, facts don't matter! All that matters is proving how big your dick is to some random people on the internet. Good for you KC, they need this.
-- U must Feers Me (, October 23, 2004.
Breeden,No, I don't own the forum. I'm just another moderator. Nobody "owns" the forum. It's public. Tator gave me mod powers to help him clean out the spam and shit.
-- Anti-Bush (, October 23, 2004.
I was here before Anti Bush, a group of us 'started' this site.
And as much as it is a group owned board (yes, we all moderate it), I hate to sound selfish and all but I've got senority card over Anti. Its like... a game of magic! Only Ive got a full deck, and Anti has been loaned his.
Not to put you down Ant, I just wanted to make sure people understood that while you do have supreme power at this site, someone does tend to lurk the shadows killing script kiddies and mopping the place up (just call me the janitor... I never post, I just clean).
Anyways, for those who didnt know, Ill respond to things that are addressed to me, but rarely will you see me take part in anything.
And on that note, I miss you Tator, come back, but this time when you do, dont mass wipe the site, weiner. :)
-- Kayce (, October 23, 2004.
Actually, I believe the last moderator of the original "Anarchy" board closed it. He sent both me and Tator an E-mail explainging why (I own the ghost-board Anarchy Again, and maintain it as part of ). Apparently, all you have to do to get a board removed is to e-mail Phil Greenspun and either A0 be a moderator of a board and say you wish to close it, or B) report an abandoned board to Phil that is no longer moderated and full of crap. He will view the board and decide wether to keep it or not.NO KOBES INVOLVED. Like I've said, I doubt they can hack much more than a Commodore 64.
-- Wes Kinsler (, October 24, 2004.