Bike squeeks : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread


I'm a new MV owner. I'm currently installing CF patrts and the pirates lair hyper light conversion. I noticed last night whiulst working on the bike 9an 02 F4s) that it sometimes sqeeks for no apparent reason. Has anyone else noticed this?


-- david terry (, October 22, 2004



Or it could be the tank sorting out it's preasure, although this is generaly described as a moan not a squeek.

Or it could be your alarm peeping, some types make a silly noise whenever they get bored!

-- Mark M (, October 22, 2004.

Thanks you very much, i guess it could be described as a moan. Maybe thats what it is.

thanks again

-- david terry (, October 22, 2004.

You may try snugging up the windscreen fastners, mine were just loose enough to allow the screen to squeek it's ass off and irritate the bajesus out of me.

-- Eric (, October 22, 2004.

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