Naruto Hand Seals? : LUSENET : Community Anime Reviews : One Thread

This might be a silly question, but Does N E 1 kno wut the hand seals r for 1000 Years of Pain? Can n e 1 plz tell me wut they r? thnx

-- Buster (, October 11, 2004


its not ninjutsu or genjutsu so it wouldnt require seals. its just middle and fore finger of both hands and a sharp jap in the ***. kakashi did seals jus to throw him off i think

-- traig (, October 12, 2004.

He starts of with what looks like tiger but to through off sasuke and sakura into wondering what hes doing but turns out to be nothing

-- D.T (, October 12, 2004.


-- Buster (, October 12, 2004.

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