where can i buy Marchesini wheelsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
i would like to buy a set of marchesini wheels for my mv spr,, but i dont know where can i get it? can someone help me, and how much will it cost?? thanks
-- chris YIM (chris_yim@hotmail.com), October 06, 2004
If you're in US try here, good prices, good people.http://www.tawvehicle.com/
Take Care,
-- Todd G. Mazzola (tmazzola@doncasters.com), October 06, 2004.
-- senna (senna@hotmail.co), October 06, 2004.
You might want to check out the BST carbon fiber wheels for the MV. Rumor is MV may be using BST for a special edition bike very soon.The ultra light BST carbon wheels will transform the MV. Some people say it is like dropping a passenger or adding 250cc to the bike.
-- martin (martin@motowheels.com), October 07, 2004.