tyer choice

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi all,just wanted to know which is the better tyer choice.pirelli diablo corsas or michelin pilots.I've got a f4 sr which is fitted with michelin pilots,the spr comes standard with pirelli's.Just curious to know why the different tyers,are 1 more track foccused than the other,price diffrence,etc.Just somethin to think about with next tyer choice.CHEERS

-- adrian salvo (Adrian@hotmail.com), September 30, 2004


Diablo, Diablo, or Diablo, don`t go near the std Pilot, They are fine untill 1/2 worn then they will have you off, Too many have fell off with them, I had two very near misses, both when the tyre`s were cold ish, but I was`nt doing anything spectacular either.

-- mike (miketilston@btinternet.com), October 01, 2004.

As an opposing opinion, I've never had any problems with Michelin Pilots, Hot, cold, wet or dry.

Wouldn't bother with them now though, as they have been replaced with the Pilot Power, which I can thoroughly recommend. Quite possibly the best wet weather tyre I've ever used, and sticky as s**t in the dry. Fitted as standard to the F4 1000, they also come in 65 fronts.

-- Craig (craig_whiteway@hotmail.com), October 04, 2004.

As a year round, all weather, road tyre I've found BT010's are as good as I've come accross.

Craig, I suspect it may only be you and me who list 'wet weather' handling amongst our tyre requirements!

-- Mark M (m.magenis@btinternet.com), October 05, 2004.

Diablo/ supercorsa/ you got to love the Pirelli tires. Never had any problems with the Dragon EVO but they have discontinued that modle. I had some problems with Pilot Sports after about 2500 miles.

-- brian (brianbriguy187@msn.com), October 05, 2004.

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