F4 - Yellow and/or Bluegreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I see lots of web pics of the F4 1000 series in both yellow and blue, but I see none available for sale in either of these colors. Were these marketing photos that never made it to production, or do I not know wear to shop? I like the yellowed version, but I don't see it for sale anywhere. Thanks.
-- Mitch Thompson (mitch-thompson@socal.rr.com), September 27, 2004
Ummm, I meant "where to shop," not "wear to shop." Sorry.
-- Mitch Thompson (mitch-thompson@socal.rr.com), September 27, 2004.
I think I read some where on the MV boards that those colors will be available sometime next year.MV needs to sell enough red/silver to buy blue and yellow paint. :)
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, AZ) (Agibbs996@aol.com), September 27, 2004.
I wouldn't get your heart too set on the yellow because I've heard that they will not produce it although they are still supposed to release the blue.Take Care,
-- Todd G. Mazzola (tmazzola@doncasters.com), September 28, 2004.
It was always my frustration, since there are pretty much no color options. With my previously onwed Ducati and my current F4, I had them properly painted in the colors that I wanted. It will probably cost anywhere from $1000-$3000. If you must have a new bike it adds up, but if you find a low milage used one, what you save should more than cover the costs. The one draw back is that you can't ride it for a couple of weeks! Just a thought.
-- Cali-Kane (mvagusta@sbcglobal.net), September 29, 2004.
I have heard the same thing as Tom: yellow is not going to be produced. A pity.
-- doug greenig (dgreenig@yahoo.com), October 01, 2004.