Let’s overpopulate the world with even more ugly stupid people!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Anarchy 2 : One Thread |
I have an idea! Let’s get the stupidest, most biased, intolerant, asshole fucks and make them have 3 children apiece. I mean, what does anyone need with three fucking children! It’s a waste of air! One, I can understand. Hell, I’m going to want a kid. Because I need someone to carry on my DNA. I don’t need to be like some random couple out in Arkansas with 23 children to their name. They should be shot for atrocious crimes against humanity! I can understand loving your kids and wanting more, but this planet is in enough shit thanks to the human race, does it really need more of us to fuck it up? No! And besides, all the children in the world are yelling screaming, annoying little fucks who can’t do shit for themselves. Those who aren’t are either not real or comatose. God I hate people.
-- U msut Feers Me (W.lovesblow@blank.com), September 22, 2004
-- Crisis (aDemonsDelight@webtv.net), September 23, 2004.
Yeah dude, a lot of the idea this hatred I'm spewing came from maddox. Cause he's right, kids suck. I love that site.
-- U msut Feers Me (W.lovesblow@blank.com), September 23, 2004.
Tard, it sounds like it's time to UP your Prozac.
-- tard@busters (www.tard@busters.org), September 24, 2004.
why dont you quit being a dumb fuck. Just because you came from a fucked up family, doesn't mean that everyone is like that. So worry about something you can change stupid ass.
-- donkey fucker (fuckme@hotmail.com), January 17, 2005.
i agree with you dudethe fucken catholics(and other christians?)feels that it's their duty to reproduce theirselves 'to keep mankind alive' (is mankind really so great??)while there are so many children that no one cares about and that die every day and while there is already too little room for all the people that are now around...
-- sdqa (sdqa@sdqa.com), January 20, 2005.
Dumb kids. I wash my hands of you fools.
-- (ain't tellin' @ you.com), January 22, 2005.