Side stand washer fix...any for sale???? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

As well as the rest of you F4 owners I too have had the side stand auto flip up problem. Does anyone have a fix for that for sale? I know its just a washer replacement..(or so my dealer tells me)

-- Brian (, September 14, 2004


Hello Brian,

When I converted mine the MV parts from the Evo 2 were not available so I used the Ducati 996/748 parts and they work perfectly [P/N 75010481A - side stand bolt (really a nut), & P/N 82912602A - side stand plate]. They might have made some changes to the belly pan cut- out on the EVO 2 because I’m told that the newer spring lever (boomerang) MV adopted for the non-retracting stand interferes badly with the pan on an EVO 1 when the stand is in the up position. I believe it will also bugger up the nut after many cycles of putting the stand down.

The Ducati boomerang is very narrow and has a prominent 'C' in the middle of it that ends up fitting around the Ducati nut (which has a slot turned circumferentially around it) as you put the stand down. It works great except you must shim out the mount or the boomerang will scrape the belly pan as you put the stand down. The other option is taking your dremel tool and opening up the belly pan cut-out a bit but I wasn't too fond of this idea.

You’ll need to shim out the mount between 6mm to 7mm to provide the clearance needed. You will also need to replace the three 8mm x 22mm cap screws with 8mm x 30mm ones. If possible, try to use "low head" style cap screws otherwise one of them will rub against the rubber sensor boot and another will touch the fairing panel. I used standard 316 SS ones and trimmed the head height down to 6.5mm. Last, apply a little of the "removable type" thread lock to all three screws and re- assemble.

Take Care,

-- Todd G. Mazzola (, September 14, 2004.

wow...thanks for all the info.

-- Brian (, September 14, 2004.

You don't need any special parts to do this, just take the fairing lowers off and get a hammer, gently tap the springs top mounting bracket so that it is moved forward far enough to take it past the center of the sidestand pivot point. It only need to be moved forward a few mm so just give it getle taps and test as you go allong. The bracket is quite soft so 'GENTLE' taps are all you need to use.

-- Mark M (, September 19, 2004.

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