Need Piano Notes for Hymn to the sea : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Hey people I have to do an exam on Piano and i really need the NOTES for Titanics song by James Horner 'Hymn to the sea' Please email me or post here as soon as you can get it to me Thanks alot Jenny

-- Jenny Kay (, September 02, 2004


I don't know how to find the music itself online, but you can order it from you can also find it at a local music store or something or on ebay and get it cheaper Good luck

-- Rachel Andersson (, September 05, 2004.

Well i kinda wanted to get it for free

-- Jenny Kay (, September 05, 2004.

If you are talking about the hymn sung in the Sunday services scene, it is called "Eternal Father Strong to Save", and was written in the 18th or 19th century. It should be in the Methodist or most other protestant christian hymnals.

-- Wes Kinsler (, September 17, 2004.

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