1. Faulty Neutral Light switch 2.Engine Stalling F4 1000S

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi Everyone, My F41000S has only 350 kms, but the Neutral Light switch has some problems very often does not light up when the gear is in Neutral, you have to move the lever 5 or more times in order to light up. Is tehere any external switch that I can verify? where is the switch located? 2. The engine stalls every time the you deaccelerate and fully engage the clutch... very annoying, you either start it up with the switch or by engaging 2nd gear and releasing the clutch (though the rear wheel slides...). I will appreciate your answers. Thanks !

-- Julio Anaya (julioanaya@hotmail.com), August 30, 2004


Why don`t you just take it back under warranty?

-- mike (miketilston@btinternet.com), August 31, 2004.

Yo! The neutral light switch is a common problem for most ducati's & mv's alike. I think it was the way they were designed & pretty full of surprises all the time (don't you just love 'em bikes). Normally, the best way to do it is to gert used to it or ride it more often & it will normalize soon. There may be some effect from the weather, environment such as dust & oxidation, etc. For your next question regarding the decelleration, you can either first replace the type of gas your using. Maybe go for initially with a high-octane fuels to heat up the engine more and effectively utilizes the engine oil to work harder. You may check them too 'coz they may be out of specs (I meant the oil. There are different grades for different environment & engine types). Yes, the comment about bringing it back to the dealer is the best choice. let them worry on this stuff. Cheers!

-- AJ (adiviso@hotmail.com), August 31, 2004.

My first post to this forum. I enjoy reading all of your posts as I look to own an MV in the near future.

I own a Ducati 998 and when it was new I could hardly get the neutral light to light up. It was a challenge every time early on. But as the bike began to break in the problem went away. Also, the bike used to stall a bit when new at low rpm with the clutch disengaged. I was told that they were tempermental because of their large pistons and should go away as the bike breaks in. It was rather embarrassing at first when my buddies on their Japanese bikes turned to look as I hit the starter button to fire it back up. But now after installing an exhaust and power commander it rarely does it at all. It makes up for those quirks when I ride with an ear to ear grin almost non stop.

-- J. Caruso (jaysunc13@yahoo.com), August 31, 2004.

I'm not sure about the neutral light issue. However, in regards to the stalling, my first MV (a 2000 model) has similar problems (ie: falling past idle).

I believe the problem may be in your CO2 setting or your throttle bodies, which may need adjustment. I had a similar problem on my first MV (2000 model), after the adjustments, it was fine.

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (Agibbs996@aol.com), August 31, 2004.

Anyone know how to fix the neutral light problem? When my neutral light comes on, I can start the bike with the kickstand down. When it does not work, I have to have the kickstand up to start it. I never spent the time to trace it as I only remember when I go on a ride and it fails...

-- martin (martin@motowheels.com), August 31, 2004.

I fixed my neutral switch on my F4, but on my bike it was not the switch itself but the connection to the main wiring loom that was corroded, the neutral light goes on when the wire that leads to it is grounded, the switch is located on the bottom aft right side of the engine, you have to drain the oil to get it out, but check the electrical conn first, it's hard to get at I removed my fueltank just unplug it and hold it against the engine (or something else that is connected to the - of battery, the light should go on then good luck

-- jaap (jaapdeurloo@zeelandnet.nl), September 01, 2004.

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