Brutale battery problems??? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Has anyone had any problems with their batteries leaking on their Brutales? My first battery had a leak around the 'sealed' joint between the upper and lower halves. The second battery does not leak as much, but some on occasion. Anyone else with this problem?
-- Edward Arrieta (, August 17, 2004
As there are never any type of puddles under my Brutale in the morning I would assume that neither my battery nor any other part of my bike is leaking.
-- Tom Solimine (, August 18, 2004.
Hi Edward,The first Brutale to arrive at my dealer last year was back in at ~800mi with a leaking battery. Discoloured the swingarm but not much damage. My mechanic fashioned a catch tray and then I rebuilt my battery tray the same and also used some acid absorbing mat that they sell to place with batteries. No trouble for my F4 thus far.
-- James (JAMESCORELL@GMAIL.COM), August 18, 2004.