hey anyone (who's here) know when the next zelda should be coming out..?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Legend of Zelda : One Thread |
well? it looks ko0ol n_n
-- Emiko (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004
Emiko, you know what i want.
-- Chris (chris_welks29@yahoo.com), August 12, 2004.
What? no i dont... who the hell are you...?!
-- Emiko (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
0000OOOOoooooHhhhhh! its yoooooouuuuu... that annoying guy from yesterday...NO! go away!
oh yeah... im menna go to sikens...
*is listning to ff9- eternal harvest* so fun to play on the piano... - _-
-- Emiko (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
-- Emiko (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
-- Chris (ninja@master.com), August 12, 2004.
for fucks sakes... *rolles eyes* why are you still here..? you have been mailing me for hours you annoying uhh uhh ... you annoying... uhhh... FISH!i like fish.. ok try again...
you annoying HAMPSTER! god i hate hampsters...
-- Emiko -verry pissed- (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
dude just 'date' himyou know what i mean...?
-- siken (sikenpanda@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
yeah just date me!please!
-- Chris (ninja@master.com), August 12, 2004.
*nods at Siken* yay for your random appearences!ok Chris! ill Date you!
*rolls eyes*
-- Emiko (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
YEAH! I LOVE YOU EMIKO!!! *kisses*
-- Chris (Chris_welks29@yahoo.com), August 12, 2004.
dude... your like a chik...anyway... i have got far on toshiya's revenge.... bye...
-- Emiko (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
ok, bye babes.
-- Chris (Chris_welks29@yahoo.com), August 12, 2004.
*emiko, i will do what i can*yo chris, you know i dated her once... she will cheat on you... she dose on EVERYONE -_-
-- siken (sikenpanda@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
not on me... she just didnt like you guys... >:P
-- Chris (Chris_welks29@yahoo.com), August 12, 2004.
dude thats the best you could come up with...
-- Emiko (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.
dude it worked when kc told it to craig... and you know how he dosnt belive anyone...
-- siken (sikenpanda@hotmail.com), August 12, 2004.