Import sybase datas to : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Hi I want to import sybase data's to excel.. so that i can easily ..export to MS Sql server. Since i have no experience in sybase ..Pls guide to transfer the file to excel and how to do it. NOTE : The One more Problem is i dont have any password to login sybase database.Regards Rizwan
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2004
Rizwan,Sybase has a bcp utility that is much like the Microsoft SQL Server bcp utility. You can use that to export data to a file that can be read by Excel or Microsoft SQL Server.
As for the password, your system administrator (sa) will have to help you with that.
Good Luck,
-- Anonymous, August 11, 2004
Rizwan,If you have forgotten the sa password:
Shut dataserver down (kill under Unix, but *not* kill -9), then restart dataserver with the commandline option "-p sa" (documented in the Utility Commands reference).
Sybase will generate a random password, display it (or perhaps show it in the errorlog), and save it in master..syslogins for user sa. Then change it to whatever you want, using sp_password.
Good Luck,
-- Anonymous, August 17, 2004