Crash (frame) Protectors for the Brutale : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I am looking for crash (Frame) protectors for the Brutale. It seems like there is nobody producing them. Can you help? Thanks

-- Nikolas Giampanas (, August 09, 2004



I ordered mine at Moko-gsg. It's a German company but has distributors around the world. On their site, click on "Sturzpads" (at the left) and scroll down till you see MV Agusta.

Greetz, Kalden

-- Kalden (, August 09, 2004.

Yo! You don't need those crash frames, believe me. You know your limits, stick with it -- and a little bit more 'til you get used to it. Don't crash the bike, it's too beautiful to scratch even a dent will hurt -- badly! Cheers ! ! ! ! ! !

-- AJ (, August 10, 2004.

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