Difference between Evo II and IIIgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
My MV was hit and wrote off by a twat on a ZX6R back in April this year. It was an 2002 basic f4S 1+1 'pre EvoII. I am now looking at buying another MV. What is the difference between my 02 F4 and the Evo II and III. I have never seen a UK spec Evo II advertised anywhere in the uk, but I have seen one or two Evo III's coming on the uk market. Any info would be greatly appreciated Cheers Carl
-- (carlstatham@supanet.com), August 06, 2004
If you are looking at new bikes, check out the F4 SR 750.... its is about the same price (300 PS more)but has the SPR engine, gearbox and exhaust system.In UK go to www.mvagustauk.com
I bought one recently and it is fantastic and fast!!!
cheers Paul
-- Paul Rutherford (prpdsr@homemail.com.au), August 11, 2004.