Annulment : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

If i have been married before, and an a non baptized person, do need an anullment to be married in a Cathloic church? My first wedding was in a Medthodist church, but only because my first husband wanted it that way.

-- Marion (, July 30, 2004


Marion, The short answer is yes.

-- Pat Delaney (, July 31, 2004.

While there is no end to the variety of circumstances and situations involving former marriages, the bottom line is pretty simple - if a person has been involved in a previous putative marriage of any description, the Church must ensure that he/she is not currently married before allowing that person to marry in the Church. The annulment process is the means by which such assurance is obtained.

-- Paul M. (, July 31, 2004.

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