Criticism of Reality therapy : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

I am doing a paper on Control theory/Reality therapy and have searched high and low, briefly time is running out - the due date , does anyone know of any sites, journals etc that have critiqued the above theories.

-- Kylie Sharrock (, July 20, 2004


Control Theory, as the name suggests, is a theory and Reality Therapy is a form of counselling. Dr. Glasser developed the therapy and found that Control Theory explained why it worked. He has since modified the control theory so much that he now calls it Choice Theory. Go back on some of the answers on this website, specifically "Whats the differnce between...2004-04-01 and "Strengths and weaknesses....2004-04-18. Cory and Cory's book of counselling theories covers Reality Therapy very well and the article 'Cory with Cathy' which you will be able to get on the main WGI website [linked to this page]gives you a handy little synopsis. i have send you an addition that will bring you to another helpful website. Regards.

-- ken lyons (, July 20, 2004.

Ken, Thankyou for your prompt reply, it has helped to clarify the link between reality therapy - control theory - choice theory. This site is an excellent resource to help understanding - and isn't it a big!!! world. Kylie

-- Kylie Sharrock (, July 21, 2004.

Right, biggest world I've ever lived in!

Look up the "rogha" site that I referred to, for deeper information.

-- ken lyons (, July 21, 2004.

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