Balancing the rear : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Does someone out there sell a setup to be able to balance the rear wheel yourself? Or will you have to take the bike back to the nearest MV or Ducati dealer to get it balanced?
-- Brian Ogle (, July 16, 2004
Brian, I am curious to know what happened to the weights on it, but there are companies that sell a stand for balancing wheels. That alone costs in the $150-200 range. However you will also have to buy a brick of weights, about $10, you will need an 18" steel shaft, preferably hardened so that it won't bend easily, and the Ducati or MV adaptor hub to mount the wheel with. This is another $200. Unless you change tires regularly and or intend to balance them for others, it might be more cost effective to take it to a shop. Because of track days that I do, I got in the habbit of putting a small piece of Ductape over the weight. There are many colors available so that it does not look so bad. I hope this is helpful.
-- Cali-Kane (, July 17, 2004.
Brian.. check out the post I just made about wheel balancing..I just ran into the same problem. A solution may be at hand via Marc Parnes..If you'll check with me Sat.. I'll have an answer..
-- Pirate (, July 21, 2004.