f4 parts?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

any body got or know where i can get the nose cone stays for a MV F4, part number 90247+90246, need asap, trued 3x, but the phoone just keeps ringing out.......


john uk

-- john b kennedy (john@kennedytransport.co.uk), July 10, 2004



Try Powerhouse in Ashford, Kent. I found they held a better stock than 3X.



-- Tony Hilson (tonyhilson@tiscali.co.uk), July 10, 2004.


3X seem to have more phone lines than staff.....keep trying.

Powerhouse are now happy to advise thay are no longer MV agents, but they probably have some stock knocking round that they want to get rid of.


It's run by Mark Bridger and he either has or can get hold of most things MV related. Check out his site.

-- Mark M (m.magenis@btinternet.com), July 12, 2004.

Cheers for all the help guys, got all the parts now, as its back to new again. thank. john

-- john b kennedy (john@kennedytransport.co.uk), July 20, 2004.

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