Laguna Seca : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Are the usual suspects heading to Laguna Seca this year?

-- Scott (, June 29, 2004


I'll be there with my EV 03 plate says mv art Arizona plate i'll be with my buddy on a grey and yellow 996 say hey if you see us. Saturday night we'll be at cannery row. See you all there.

-- Bryan Rice (, June 29, 2004.

I'll be there. Don't know if I'll take the MV.

-- Rick (, June 29, 2004.

We will have a booth near Ducati island and turn 4. We hope to have out MV project bike done and on display.

-- martin (, June 29, 2004.

Hey Scott....

I'll be there saturday nite, but i'm not taking the Senna this year, I'll be on my Lime Green KTM Duke 2.....

CanneryRow is going to be a blast!!!!

-- val (, July 05, 2004.

It looks like some of us are riding up from L.A. on Friday. Hopefully I will see some of you there since I will be riding the MV F4 up. I hear it is a good time!!!

-- Cali-Kane (, July 05, 2004.

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