Superbike Magazine : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Does anyone have a copy of the Superbike magazine test of Superbike Inc.'s 908cc MV Agusta F4? I would like to buy this from someone or if they would like to make photocopies of it and send it to me I would appreciate it greatly. Thank you.
-- (, June 27, 2004
Brian, you are you refering to the recent test of the F4 1000S with the R1, and Aprilia? If so, you can access the adobe file from this site (see the post by Acruhl):
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (, June 27, 2004.
Allan, from what I understand the article I am looking for was in a Superbike magazine that came out in late 2002. However, I am interested in the 1000 tests. Have any of the American mags published a review yet. I know I read that Ferracci had two test bikes and that one was going to be lent out to Cycle World and the other to someone else. Thanks for everyone's help.
-- Brian Ogle (, June 28, 2004.
As far as I know, none of the U.S. magazine (Cycleworld, Sport Rider, or Motorcyclist) have mentioned anything about the F41000S.I have last month's issues of Motorcyclist and Sport Rider and most of the focus is on the new Japanese liter class.
We'll probably be hearing about it in the next month or two (around the time the bikes should be delivered).
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, AZ) (, June 28, 2004.
I do have a December 2002 copy of Superbike that has an MV article in it and a Senna on the cover. I can photocopy this if you want.Let me know
-- Scott (, June 28, 2004.
Hi Brian,the article you're referring to was for a big-bore kit fitted to an F4 by Casoli in the UK. They also tested the bike in a copy of Italian Bike (another UK magazine) soon after. I can scan it and send you pdfs of both if you like.
cheers, Gary
-- Gary (, June 29, 2004.
I was talking to the guy who wrote the cossoli big bore test, he tested a 1000F4 the other week and was totaly blown away by it.
-- Mark M (, July 02, 2004.
The 1000 should have about 10-15 more horsepower. I think torque on the 908cc is supposed to be about 75 lbs-ft. Does anyone have any torque figures on the 1000???
-- Brian Ogle (, July 02, 2004.
There was a full roadtest in the last edition of MCN and they tested it at just over the R1 (04) in each area of performance, i.e. BHP, Torque, terminal speed and acceleration! so quite a lot better than the big bore!
-- Mark M (, July 05, 2004.
Sportbike Mag in the US listed (off the top of my head) the MV1000's torque at about 82lbs/ft. Not too shabby.
-- Michel Fortier (, July 05, 2004.