Both fuel lines broke last night???? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Last night I was taking my bike for a short ride and when i came to a stop I could smell a strong gas smell coming from the bike so I rode home. When I pulled the plastic off (after getting the fire extinguisher) I found both fuel lines were leaking from the platic fittings (one black and one white) that tap into the fuel pump on the tank. Has anyone ever heard of this? Any help would be great.

-- Brian Walters (, June 24, 2004


Brian, Have you had the tank off recently ? I accidentally caught the O ring that seals the fuel fitting, just the smallest of nicks, but once the fuel pump fired up, it got a little interesting. Check these o rings first, new parts are inexpensive and simple to fit.

-- guy vickers (, June 24, 2004.

Yes, I had a similar problem a few days after I attempted to removed my gas tank.

As Guy mentioned, the broken fuel line are cause when the gas tank is re-installed incorrectly, which either pinchs the o-ring or the fuel coupling.

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (, June 24, 2004.

Take one of the O rings on the quick connects off and get a couple of fuel resistant replacement items from your nearest bearing and seal shop. Replace the O rings on the quick connects, add a dab of rubber or silicone grease onto the quiick connects and refit. This is a common problem both with Ducati and MV (as they share common parts). Ferracci and Moto Wheels sell the O rings if you are not able to find them. PS. I change mine every 6 months - for a couple of cents I get peace of mind from non barbecued MV potential!

-- Richard (, June 24, 2004.

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