f4 rear sprocketgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
i need to replace the rear sprocket on my f4 does anyone know the torque settings for the big 55mm nut and sprocket carrier nuts and finally has any encountered any problems changing one of these all thats wrong with mine is that a tooth broke off. thanks in advance for any help
-- louis aguiar (loui_aguiar@hotmail.com), June 22, 2004
200-220 Nm.You have mail.
Regards Roland
-- Roland (rolf4s@yahoo.de), June 22, 2004.
Louis,A tooth broke on the rear sprocket?!?!?
Do you know what caused it, there will probably be some chain damage as well (unless it was dropped off the bike) you should consider replacing the whole lot. Chain failure at almost any speed is not recomended due to the damage it could cause you and will cause the engine.
-- Mark M (m.magenis@btinternet.com), June 23, 2004.