Poor Mpeg File Conversion

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Anytime I am trying to convert my video file normally avi files to Mpeg, the resolution is often poor compare to the original resolution. Why is the lose of resolution and how can I correct this. Please bail me out as urgent as possible

-- ADEBIYI SAYOMI (igmob@yahoo.com), June 15, 2004


What is the resolution of your .avi and .mpg files? Also, what program are you using to do the conversion?

-- Bryan (gryps-innocens@gryphon.zzn.com), June 16, 2004.

Go to www.honestech.com and download their encoder. It does the best encoding I have ever seen.


-- ~m (mtekayo@yahoo.com), June 19, 2004.

If u r converting ur avi files to mpeg-2, the output resolution will be 720x576 for PAL and 720x480 for NTSC. mpeg-2 can be used for making DVDs. The video quality will be fine. If it is mpeg-1(used for VCDs) the output resolution will be 352x288 for PAL and 352x240 for NTSC. The video is very poor in quality than a standard VHS tape. Use mpeg encoders such as Tmpgenc, panasonic, avi2mpeg ...

-- Ajesh NR (ajeshnr@rediffmail.com), June 20, 2004.

Use Mainconcept Mpeg Encoder, the best quality ever.

-- Niglin (Niglin@nilgin.com), October 21, 2004.

Using the Tmpgenc encoder and using the Sharpen and noise filters can result in a better looking VCD that will even cause it to fit more than 2 hours of video on a regular cd..

Its worth trying than using a DVD when times are a bit tough

-- todd (tandyymanx@sbcglobal.net), December 17, 2004.

Use the two-pass method of compression with "highest" motion search in TMPGEnc. It gives better results.

-- Bryan (gryps-innocens@gryphon.zzn.com), December 18, 2004.

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