2005 F4 1000 Picsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I'm not a regular member of this forum, and not sure if this is news to y'all, but, there are 2 2005 F4s on US soil. Attached are 3 pics. At the Ephrata (Pa.) Breakfast Run, Larry Ferracci, son of Eraldo Ferracci, brought a brand new 2005 MV Agusta F4 1000. One is going to Motorcyclist for a review and the other is going to Cycle World. They had it on the dyno this week and it turned 162hp at the rear wheel with 80 lb-ft of torque. They will be available for sale in August for about $21K. Dead sexy.
-- Randy (rsinisi6@cs.com), June 06, 2004
Thanks Randy. Those are very respectable number. I just hope the test demo doesn't rupture a fuel line like the 750 did 4 years ago. :)
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, AZ) (Agibbs996@aol.com), June 06, 2004.
Yo! Those are vey nice bike, randy. Nice little ass, too! So, they come in those colors as well. I like these colorcombination, it gives the bike some heritage and history. It separates itself from the rest of the bikes......
-- AJ (adiviso@hotmail.com), June 06, 2004.
Does the swing arm look a little different to you guys? Look at it from this angel. It look like it has more of a flater cut to it.
-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, AZ) (Agibbs996@aol.com), June 07, 2004.
If anyone wants them, I have some higher resolution versions of these pictures, as well as 2 more, but, they aren't as good.
-- Randy (rsinisi6@cs.com), June 07, 2004.
it looks just like a 750 ??? or am i missing some thing?
-- sean (cleide8@comcast.net), June 10, 2004.
No you're not missing anything.....the difference is under the fairing!
-- JJ (jj33@netscape.net), June 11, 2004.
I probably think its the lighting or shading, but the blood red color makes it look way sharper in the first two pics! *drool*
-- Joseph (kyron226@yahoo.com), June 13, 2004.