After Market seat pad for F4 : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Has anyone had any experience finding an after market seat pad for the F4 mono? Corbin says I would have to ride it to the factory to have one made, but I am wondering if there are any already made for it. Thanks for your input.

-- Cali-Kane (, June 01, 2004


Yo! Try Ferraci or Casoli. These are the best source of yer Itallian Bikes aftermarket parts. Cheers!

-- AJ (, June 02, 2004.

i made all alcantara color seat with the logo you want, mv special parts, senna, f4, crc etc.....have a look on my little site!!

-- dauly alex (, June 04, 2004.

We ( planned on producing some with Sargent seats, as they make pads and covers for all our backrests, and I had offerd to ship them my entire tail section, but they acted like the numbers simply weren't there...Mold and set-up would have been in the $10K range... not bad for a Jap bike customer base with 100,000 units on the road we are a rare breed...

Where exactly would YOU choose to advertise a new seat? Even WE are finding it near impossible to reach the MV community as they are scattered in small pockets all over the world..

-- Jerry (Pirate) Finley (, June 13, 2004.

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