About this Festivals Employment forum

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Clear Spot : One Thread

We've set up this forum to answer the questions you and others may have about working at the festivals we do the hiring for. If you haven't already checked the "Frequently Asked Questions" page (click the "Frequent Questions" link on the home page), please do that to see if your question's already been answered, and please be sure to check the list of "New questions" on the forum's main page.

And speaking of that, please try to put a concise summary of your question in the "Subject:" field you'll see if you click the "Ask a Question" link (to make it easy as possible for others to spot the questions/answers they're looking for).

If you wind up working at a festival and have any feedback about your job, or ideas about how we might make things better in the future, by all means, put it here in the forum somewhere (it doesn't ALL have to be questions and answers - just use the "Ask a Question" link to start a new thread).

Clicking the "About" link near the top of the main screen will give you a quick overview of this forum's mechanics. If you'd like a little more detail, just click the "How to use this system" link just below this thread's link on the main list.

Clicking the "Publisher" link on the main screen will take you back to Festivals Employment's home page.

And if there's anything you'd like to know about using this forum that isn't answered here or on the "About" page, or in the "How to use this system" thread, just click the "Contribute an answer" button at the bottom of this page and tell us about it here.

-- Employment Office staff (forum@festivalsemployment.com), May 22, 2004

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