MV Test Rride in the UK????? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi Guy's Seriously thinking of buying an MV. Is there anywhere i can get a Test Ride. Preferably as close to the Midlands as possible. Any information much appreciated. Thank you Dave.

-- David Shaw (, May 04, 2004


you could try speedaway in Oldbury, quite a lot of id required as i understand it

-- Nick Tidball (, May 04, 2004.


Your best bet might be to look for somewhere with a used one for sale. There isn't a huge difference between the early bikes and the later ones. The main thing you will notice when you get to ride one is the riding position, which takes a good bit of getting used too.

-- Mark M (, May 04, 2004.

Where are you in the midlands?

-- brandon (, May 04, 2004.

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