Rear brake quick fix. : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Some of you with the rear brake problem may already know how to do this. A quick fix for a mushy, non-existent rear brake is to take a pair of reverse needle nose pliers (by reverse I mean that the tongs spread OPEN when you squeeze the handle instead of CLOSING). and push the brake pads apart. This forces the brake pad pistons to recess thus forcing brake fluid and any air bibbles in the line back into the rear fluid resevoir. To get all the bubbles out you may have to repeat this process 2-3 times but it is an easy fix that works well. I do it every time I ride if my rear brake is mushy. If you have any questions just email me. I can also email the page from the Shop Manual that demonstrates how to do this. Hope this info helps.

-- David Galleo (, April 21, 2004


A more permanent solution is to relocate the resevoir under the seat. Get a longer hose (about 1m) from any bike shop, will cost about £1.50.

It takes about 1/2 an hour and should sort it out for good.

-- Mark M (, April 21, 2004.

Move it like David said, then rebleed it with a race type fluid like castrol srf--then a bleed say once a year

-- mike tilston (, April 21, 2004.

yep the castrol fluid is the way to go, expensive but it does what it says on the tin. i've had it in mine for a while now with the resevoir in the origional position - seems to work, previously i did not have a rear brake - gonna test it on the track this friday.

-- iain (, April 21, 2004.

Dave thanks for the tip dude, i am leaving my resevoir were its supposed to be, so i will try what you have sugested.

-- brandon (, April 22, 2004.

Wrap the pipe with Thermo Tec Exhaust Insulating Wrap, cover the reservoir cover, reservoir and master cylinder with Thermo-Tec Adhesive Backed Heat Barrier and bleed with a high temp (600+) fluid like Brembo LFC600 plus Brake Fluid.|Misc% 2E%20%26%20Universal

-- martin (, April 24, 2004.

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