Fan Not Engaging. Help! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

My fan is not engaging to cool the bike daown. It normally kicks in at 210F but now the temp. is running up to 225F and starting to flash at which time I have to shut her down. I have checked the fuse and all is okay there. Anybody else had this problem? Any suggestions as to what it might be? Thanks in advace for any help.

-- David Galleo (, April 11, 2004


David, I found the site with the shop manual. Scroll down past the owners manual on the left column and you'll see the shop manual:

Here's an older thread from Greenspun and refers to another manual online:

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Az) (, April 11, 2004.

It seems to be one of two things: 1. Your thermostat for the fan is not working and may need replacing 2. Your fan may be on the blink. Add a 12v power supply directly to your harness on the fan to see if the fan will kick on. If it does then the fan is working ok. If not you may need a new fan.

Always check the obvious...the harness to make sure it is seated all the way down. I know there are others on the board that may more suggestions, I hope this is a start to keep the MV cool. Ray

-- Ray Lorente (, April 11, 2004.

I had the same problem with my 00 F4S. Remove your right side fairing and the cooling fan relay is located near the fan. They are in a bad location for riding in the rain. Good news, the relay is the same as the cooling fan relay found on current Japanese cars. If you have a Honda dealer near you, They probably stock it. Ask for a cooling fan relay for an Element or CR-V.

-- Brent L. Van Tassel (, April 16, 2004.

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