Remove / Re-Install Valve Cover on Brutale? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have a small oil leak coming from my valve cover. Instead of taking the bike 4 hours to have it fixed, I thought I'd have a go at it. I've removed the tank, airbox, left and right silver covers, and loosened the valve cover. How do I extract it from the bike? Do I have to remove the throttle bodies or the radiator? Is there some trick to getting it out without removing either?


-- David Moore (, April 09, 2004



If it is the same as an F4 I drained & removed the radiator then slid cam cover off towards front of bike. It seemed a lot easier to me that disturbing throttle bodies etc.

Drain for antifreeze is on LHS of engine by gear lever at bottom of water pump.

Good luck.


-- Tony Hilson (, April 10, 2004.

Thanks. That's exactly what I did and it worked like a champ.

-- David Moore (, April 11, 2004.

The last valve cover leak i thought i had turned out to be an over oiled airfilter---worth a look

-- mike tilston (, April 13, 2004.

I had a head gaskit panic caused by the grease I used to hold the exhaust gaskits in place - not my F4 - on my F1 (honda)!

Moral of the story - never jump to conclusions!!!!

-- Mark M (, April 13, 2004.

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