Sidestand replacement? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Sorry if this has been discussed already but from what I gather 2000 bikes should have their sidestands replaced? Or does one only need to check the bolt's tightness? Thanks!!!
-- dean (, March 29, 2004
not that I am aware, some people change them to get rid of the "suicide" stand that flicks up on its own, but other than o get rid of that I know of no need, mine is still original.Phil.
-- Phil (, March 30, 2004.
Dean, Only a small number of failures have been reported and it was not covered by a recall.Some of the failures (if not all of them) were associated with some peoples attempts at modifying the sidestand to stop it flipping up when unloaded.
Something I did find with mine was thet the mounting bracket bolts worked loose and the stand was working on it's bid for freedom. I just tightened them up with a bit of threadlock and it's been fine since.
-- Mark M (, March 31, 2004.
Along the lines of what Mark said, the original owner of my 2000 MV did have the auto-tract disabled. As for my current 2002 MV, after 8,300 miles, I've had no probelms with the side stand.
-- Allan (Phoenix, Arizona) (, March 31, 2004.
My 2002 does seem ti lean over a bit more than I'd like...I'll be curious about the fix
-- Bill (, April 01, 2004.
I always find myseld doing a triple take before i leave it. It looks great leaning like that, and i guess it would help in high wind! Is there a bad batch of kickstands in particular, or will this be a trial and error issue...(i expect stand to break immediately following new paint job).mike
-- Bullwieney (, April 01, 2004.