hey anyone thats here!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Legend of Zelda : One Thread |
whats your fav zelda game?i like majoras mask...gorons...ROLLING!!!
-- +jet girl+ (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), March 26, 2004
for all that care:links quest sucked major ass.side scrolling zelda,what were they thinking...?
-- +Jet Girl+ (lains_shadow@@hotmail.com), March 26, 2004.
must post so its alive again...
-- uthkrt (f@f.f), April 05, 2004.
ok...that was random...
-- +jet Girl+ (lains_shadow@hotmail.com), April 05, 2004.
JETICA!you like jet?
-- hfcuif (f@f.f), April 05, 2004.
jetica?NOT THE BAND!I REALY HATE THE BAND!!!i will never use this name again until the band no loger exist...witch wont be long cause jet are shit...
-- +Jet Girl+not the band NOT THE BAND!!! (lains_shdow@hotmail.com), April 05, 2004.
ok calm down
-- ctvrtvrvcaybuomuyevaqxZ\rcxtvytujh (f@f.f), April 05, 2004.