Replication : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread


I tried to syncronized a database using the ftp option. I get this error "The subscription has been marked for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchronize this subscription." after "Connecting to ftp site 'myPC'" If I changed the replication mode everything works fine. Really, I'm afraid problem comes from a wrong authentication setting. I used a marge replication. I set up ftp to allowed anonymous connection and, if I tried throw another pc I can access to the ftp folders. Also, I set up ftp default folder to the snapshot directory. About subscription side: Merge agent is the subscription one; distribution and pubblication server authentication are sql server with admin account. I hope you can help me.

Thank you very much in advance.

Ciao, Simone.

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2004



What is the client path to this folder from ftproot you gave under Publication Properties->SnapshotLocation tab in FTP section?

You need to give this as sub directory from ftproot. Example: If your FTP path is c:\inetpub\ftproot\data. Sql Server creates ftp directory under this when the Snapshot is created as you enabled for FTP.

You have to give the client path to this folder from ftproot as \data\ftp and then re-initialize and synchronize.



-- Anonymous, February 27, 2004

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