Paint colour / code for swingarm : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Does anybody know the paint colour / code for swingarm and frame plates.

-- Richard (, February 20, 2004


I am sorry that I can't be more exacting, but if you use high temperature flat black and bakeit on either in an oven or with a propane torch, you will find a very close match. I hope this helps.

-- Cali-Kane (, February 20, 2004.

Yes is only flat black ! nothing special , black is black !!! i have to paint my , in gold magnesium color !

-- maximo (, February 20, 2004.

I used flat black and as the paint is 90% dry use a really coarse piece of sand paper and tap it against the paint, carefully remove it and you will find it has the same texture as the rest of the swingarm. Unless you know its there you will not spot the repair work.

Cheers Edu

-- edu de hue (, February 21, 2004.


there cannot be a paint code for swingarm and frame plates because they are not painted but black oxydised which is a catalytic treatment of the aluminium. This kind of treatment can be done by people who do chromium plating, nickel plating and metal protection in general. Hope this can help.

-- MAHEO HERVE (, February 23, 2004.

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