How do I start promoting? : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread |
I just came from Okinawa Japan several months ago, where I had spent the last two and a half years being introduced to Techno and a bit of the rave scene. I love it! There is nothing that I could think of to do that would appeal to me more than making my living by promoting events, but I need some people with patience to help me get started, seeing as how all of my old friends have moved on to their parts of the world. I have the money and I've been talking to some local DJ's, but I'm searching for as much information and ideas as possible. What would you like to see, and where would you like to see it...give me all of your advice and input because I'm starting up my business in just over four months here and I want it to be an experience no one involved will forget. Let's get some shit "rollin" son. Peace. Rj
-- Anonymous, February 19, 2004
Yeah! lets get going.I've been involved around music alot and i've always wanted to make my name.i thought of promoting but the only problem i have is the money.
-- Anonymous, June 23, 2004
Let's do it. I sent you an email, so if you don't get it...let me know.
-- Anonymous, June 24, 2004