Speed reading when chanching the drive sprocketgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Hi,i have a F4 EVO3 and i am wondering what happens to my speed reading when i change to a smaller drive sprocket (maybe 1 tooth less). I think the tachometer will tell me more then i actually go. Is there an adjustment for that ? Or do i just have to live with that?
-- Frank Seeburger (frankseeburger@gmx.de), February 16, 2004
try a yellowbox. blackrobotics.com
-- b. (thaknife@yahoo.com), February 16, 2004.
Hi Frank, without a speedo-corrector you have to live with that.Email me, if you need more information, I`m from Germany.
-- Roland (rolf4s@yahoo.de), February 17, 2004.
have you thought of going a tooth or two up at the rear? same effect, easier to do.....
-- Phil (p.wood@tesco.net), February 17, 2004.