Lookwell Leathers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

As part of my MV F4 purchase I received a leather MV jacket made by Lookwell. I found that the matching pants are only avalable through MV if you buy the two-piece suit. After looking at the Lookwell site I'm guessing the suit is a modified "Hyper" and was wondering if anyone can confirm this. Second I wanted to know if anyone had a "spare" set of the pants they would sell. 33" waist 30" inseam

-- Bill (wbmac@yahoo.com), February 12, 2004



-- kaizser (kaizserperformance@yahoo.com), February 14, 2004.

4-8-2004 Midwest Motorcyclist Accessories www.mmaccessories.us will be the authorized dealer in the US working through motoimports. The Hyper pants will be available through the web. The site will be open for business in approx 3 weeks.


-- Joe Zaccaria (webmaster@mmaccessories.us), April 08, 2004.

The full line of Lookwell apparel is available in the US at www.mmaccessories.us. All of the leather pants in the Lookwell line will zip into the MV Augusta Jacket using the full circumferance "Combo System" zipper.

-- Joe Zaccaria (joezeee1@yahoo.com), December 24, 2004.

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