Scope That Can See 22 cal. Holes At 300 Yards : LUSENET : MILDOT : One Thread

If you have used a variable power scope that can fairly easily see 22 cal bullet holes in white paper at 300 yards under good conditions, please let me know which one and what the conditions were. I have asked this question on another forum and so far Nightforce, Leupold, & Burris Signatures have been recommended. Seeing is believing....

-- Pake Bitts (, February 12, 2004


.22 holes? I have 24 power and at 300 yards im lucky to see a 300 hole

-- john (, February 18, 2004.

.22 holes at 300 yards, sounds like a job for a good (40 power or better) spotting scope. Unless you plan on mounting a NASA reject from the Hubble program.

-- R.B.Rees (, February 16, 2004.

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