Australian owners : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Are there any Australian owners on MV's here?

-- Michael DAVIS (, January 31, 2004


Does having ordered a Brutale in Nov 03 qualify me as an MV owner? Still waiting!!!

-- Ian Sylvester (, February 01, 2004.

Yep, I am in Brisbane I have an '01 F4 that I am fixing up.

-- (, February 01, 2004.

Yes i have an F4 2000 model & am from Melbourne.

-- Fiorello Galluzzo (, February 02, 2004.


I have a 2001 F4 1+1 and live in Tassie.

Ian, I'm expecting to see your new Brutale at the next Italian Motorcycle Club ride day!!

-- James B (, February 03, 2004.

Things are finally happening, I may even make it for the Criptic Ride on the 15th

-- Ian-1 (, February 03, 2004.

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