Problem with Nero while creating a VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I tried to create VCD with high quality picture. But failed. I encode the DV avi with TMPGEnc 2.5. I used an 1 minute avi video clip and I changed the CBR value for VCD from 1150kbps to 2500kbps, with remaining parameters kept the same. The output file size was 22.5MB instead of 10MB. The video seems to be more good, with less distortion(no blocks) with motion and more sharpened picture(like a SVCD). All PC video players could play it and the time shown correctly as 1 minute. When i drag these files to Nero, no problem is shown(using standard compliant VCD) but the duration shown as 2:25, and burnt it. But when it is played in the DVD/VCD player it also show the time as 2:25, and played as delayed frames(stopped frames). Why Nero cant find problem with bitrate for VCD standard? Suggestions invited..

-- Ajesh Nr (, January 26, 2004


1) Nero has never been able to correctly calculate the time for anything except standard VCD and you are not making a standard VCD. I like Nero and I do use it, but the developers took a look of shortcuts to make VCD and especially SVCD work and things like incorrect time values happen because of their shortcuts. 2) Your bit rate is very high for MPEG-1. Based on your description, I would guess that your DVD/VCD player can't spin the disc fast enough to play it at that bit rate. If you use a lower bit rate of 2000 or less, it should be playable. It's a firmware problem with the DVD/VCD player. DVD/VCD players put a limit on how fast CD-R discs can spin because it increases drive life to spin them a lower speeds. Drives on PCs don't have these limits.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 26, 2004.

A VCD can only have 1150kbps MAX. If yor dvd player detects anything higher, it will slow the movie down to 1150kbps

-- Merten (, August 04, 2004.

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