Black Brutales ???? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Does anyone know about the availability of the Black Brutale S in the US? I have been waiting now since Sept '03 when I first saw the red ones, but have not heard anything about the black ones?

Also, does anyone know when the Brutale 1000 will be available?

Any and all info will be appreciated.

-- Edward Arrieta (, January 15, 2004


Call FBF (215-657-1276), I understand they are very close to receiving some (qty?) Black Brutales. If 1000cc engines do become available in the Brutales your probably looking sometime out in 2005 ?

-- Todd G. Mazzola (, January 16, 2004.

The black brutales should have arrived in the states this week! I have also had a deposit on one since last summer. My dealer told me that he should be giving me a call in a week or so to take delivery!

I am not sure about the 1000? The 750 has plenty of power!


-- John Sbarro (, January 18, 2004.

munroe motors in san francisco had one as of yesterday. call rory. ray woo

-- ray woo (, February 18, 2004.

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