F4 1000 s color scheme

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi everybody!

First of all excuse my bad english. My question: ¿will be the traditional MV color scheme (red/silver) available in the new f4 1000 s? I don´t like blue/silver and yellow/silver.


-- Rubén R (rrodriguez@ctc.es), January 15, 2004


Yes it will be available.

-- ben (ben_kifle@yahoo.com), January 15, 2004.

I haven't seen any 1000's in the red/silver except the AGO which will only be produced in limited quantities? Anyone else actually seen a standard 1000 in red/silver?

-- Todd G. Mazzola (tmazzola@doncasters.com), January 16, 2004.

I have. theres a pic of one on the mvagustaf4.com forum.

-- b. (thaknife@yahoo.com), January 16, 2004.

I confirm that the F4 1000 will be delivered in the same red/silver pattern as the 750, but with silver wheels.

I have ordered one yesterday and it will be delivered somewhere end of April.

The Ago wos supposed to be a 750, but has never been built, due to the financial difficulties.

Now the Ago comes as a standard 1000 with the "clothing" as presented earlier on a 750 and with main difference except optical differences an additional titanium exhaust with its eprom (delivered in a nice wooden box).

People interested in racing have interest in buying the Ago as wheels are lighter, the exhaust is lighter and the open version gives some more power and brake calipers are of a higher class and there are some parts in carbon. I hesitated initially. As I am not quite sure that it increases the value of the bike (higher resale) I finally opted for the standard 1000 in which I will implement the Tamburine motorkit (variable inlet configuration)

Patrick Maes

-- Patrick maes (patrick.maes@electrabel.com), January 21, 2004.

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