greenspun.com : LUSENET : Brownies Buy and Sell : One Thread

I am a small time collector interested in purchasing any antique cameras. Prefer Box and Folding. Pre-1950 is even better. If you have something for sale please e-mail me.

Thanks Louis

-- Louis (iamgood78629@yahoo.com), January 13, 2004


Louis, I have a rare rose 2A Beau Brownie camera with case. The rose and green were only made from 1930 - 1931. My understanding is that the rose is the hardest to find. I also have a Baby Brownie Special made from 1939 - 1954. Both of these camera are in very good condition. On exam I see no reason why these would not be in working condition. However, I am a layman, but they are just like the older cars...even a girl/layman can see what is what.lol No computer stuff. If you are interested, please make me a offer.



-- Lorna Carpenter (sexybrweyes@aol.com), June 12, 2004.

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