Problem with Nero6 in burning VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi people, I got this problem - I am using Nero6 to create a VCD and I just converted *.dat files using VCDGear 3.55 into *.mpg. When I drag n drop these *.mpg files into the create folder of Nero6, Nero did an analysis and said that my files need to be convert. I answered 'Yes' and Nero reply this message : 'Unsupported File'. Any idea what can I do next? Do I need to install any other plug-in? What I am doing is I am compiling some karaoke tracks and wanted to burn into a single VCD.

Next, I did the exact thing with drag and drop but this time, I did not convert to *.mpg. I left them as *.dat, the same message from Nero : 'Unsupported File Found'. Please advise. Thanks.

-- Edward Lim (, January 09, 2004


They're still in VCD format (Mpeg-2), you need to change the codec, after that, it should work.

-- Calvin (, January 09, 2004.

Thanks Calvin. May I ask what codec and where can I find this codec? I am new to this.

-- Edward Lim (, January 09, 2004.

the error u r getting defines that the file u r trying to burn has a format which is not compatible with mpeg-1 (which nero wants to burn)

convert the .dat file into .mpg using VCDGear the program has an option to fix mpeg errors check that tooo and then add the resulting mpeg into nero vcd creation sometimes some dat files have much errors although those can be corrected but the resulting file doesn't play well.

check for the number of errors it repaired at the bottom of the program.

u can get this program from net by searching on

there is no codec neccesary for that

-- kunal (, January 14, 2004.

Try creating a .bin/.cue file using vcdgear. then burn the cuesheet using nero as I do sometimes

-- kunal (, January 14, 2004.

Thanks alot. Have tried it and it works well.

-- Edward Lim (, January 15, 2004.


-- martin (, January 17, 2004.

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