What year is my F4 ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have a F4 the document have 2003 year, but the chassis number is ZCGF401AA1V004022, is a 2001 edition?

-- Maximo Diaz (maximodiaz@entelchile.net), December 28, 2003


Your bike is a 2001 model.

-- Eric (rzv500r@aol.com), December 29, 2003.

The following link is an example of a site you can check your vin number, it worked for my F4, however, your vin number listed came up invalid. ~ MVeee

http://www.autocheck.com/autocheck/1_autocheck/jsp/home.jsp? &_209=8&_414=0040625024qDSiP-BB-D7oAmvjgIAn

-- MVeee (nospam@sky.net), December 29, 2003.

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