Ex C&O, NKP Passenger Cars

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

I am finalizing an article about the ex C&O and NKP passenger cars purchased by the ACL, SAL and SCL. Any photos of these cars would be appreciated.

-- Michael W. Savchak (Savchak @mnr.org), December 23, 2003


Thanks for your responses, Paul and Mark. I had problems getting on the web site the last few days. The article is planned to be published in Lines South during the latter part of this year. The particular photos I am looking for are as follows:

1. Photos of the ACL cafe lounge car Augusta in service between Florence and Augusta.

2. Photos of various SAL 840 series coaches as well as the two grill cars.

3. Photos of the three dome sleepers while under ACL lease in 1965.

4. Photos of the ACL 260 series cars.

5. Photos of the 11 double bedroom sleepers.

6. Photos of the twin-unit diners.

7. Photos of several of the ex-C&O/NKP cars in a train, such as an ex- SAL C&O coach, an ex- ACL NKP coach and one of the ex-C&O ACL sleepers, or any combination thereof.

8. Any photos of IC twin unit diners and "C" series sleepers running with any of the ex C&O or NKP cars.

-- Michael W. Savchak (Savchak@mnr.org), January 05, 2004.


Please let us know what publication this will be printed in so that one can reserve a copy if they are not a subsciber.

In addition, I have a specific question concerning the ACL, ex C&O cars: Winter Park and #126. I was wondering if these particular cars were relettered into SCl and the K/D renumbered #5999 as per the plan. The '68 photos from Paul's book show ACL lettering but I'm interested in the very last year's of SCL operation. Can anyone help?

-- Mark Kuehler (qler@cfl.rr.com), January 03, 2004.

Mike; I've a pretty good selection of both roads to ACL-SAL-SCL. Let me know your needs and we'll go from there.

-- Paul Coe (paul_coe@yahoo.com), December 31, 2003.

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