Overall titanic transmittted feelingsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Did anyone else experience sad feelings, or did u just watch, eating your popcorn, slurping your coke and kissing your lover?If you did the comfy cozy stuff above, i dont think you should bother answering.
If you didnt, and actually experienced strong thourough feelings towards the movie, please respond by telling me how you felt. Sad, thoughtful, etc.
You name it!
thanks, nick.
-- Nicolas (pink_floyd_num1_fan@hotmail.com), December 21, 2003
Yes NickI felt so sad and depressed at what people had to witness that whether they were on the ship or in a lifeboat. I was amazed by the way Jack and Rose's relation became so strong over three days. I felt like I was actually IN the movie.
-- Killian (Foo@bar.com), January 27, 2005.