Knob Noster, March 13-14, 2004 format : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Course setter Mike Shifman and I have been discussing the format for the event at Knob Noster State Park, March 13-14, 2004. The main idea for the event is to give rogainers a chance to practice night orienteering in preparation for the World Championships in Arizona in May, 2004. The Score Orienteering options were added to encourage those who do not want to do the night orienteering to have a chance to have a day event, since the controls would already be set out. Mike did not intend to set additional controls just for the day event.

Now it seems there is interest by some to do both events. Since it would be possible to visit all the controls in the daytime, the ones who did so would have an unfair advantage in the night event. Therefore, we have decided to cancel the 6-hour daytime Score O. The 3-hour Score O (now starting at 2:00 p.m.) will still be available. Mike has agreed to set different daytime controls for the daytime 3-hour Score O.

The daytime 3-hour Score O can be done individually, but the 8-hour Night Rogaine requires teams of at least 2.


-Dick Neuburger Meet Director

-- Dick Neuburger (, December 09, 2003

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